Sunday, July 02, 2006

ok..HUGE list ...figured I'd write it down be reminded of!

ok..busy few weeks lots on the go plus lots to do.

1. Finish final edits on the Family shoot
2. upload order to lab
3. Get proofs to the Mat shoot.
4. Start proofing the wedding shoot
5. clean the house
6. water the lawn,
7. mow the lawn
8. Get party favor bags ready for Ry's party on Sat
9. make hamburgers
10. buy the 'stuffs' for the food for ry's party
11. Call fingerprint office to book appt for DH
12. call medical insurance...make sure DH is covered
13. mail , mail and get
14. 15% tuesday Grocery day
15. clean out the motorhome
16. clean out the Yukon
17. pick up the balloon's for Ry's party
18. buy Ry her birthday pressie..
19. finish things on this damn list


Blogger Danielle said...

lmao! Welcome home!

8:36 PM  
Blogger PD said...

lmao...welcome to the club!!
You sound like me at then end there..don't forget to breathe. Know what you are buying Ry for her b-day?
GL to ya kiddo you'll get it all done..we are way to orgainzed that way! :p

8:42 PM  
Blogger Amanda said...

good luck woman!!

1:02 AM  

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